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 More Attention to Grey’s Anatomy  Coolte11
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  More Attention to Grey’s Anatomy

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 More Attention to Grey’s Anatomy  _
PostSubyek: More Attention to Grey’s Anatomy     More Attention to Grey’s Anatomy  Icon_minitimeFri 5 Aug 2011 - 13:22

There Grey's Anatomy DVD were three episodes stand out this season. First episode was a documentry, it was different and this is the season where different is good. Bones DVD documentry was an episode of intense fun and good old gray. Another hour of gold, it was great for the whole episode just Meridith (I am not satisfied with Shonda did not give the baby yet, but it gives one of Callie almost kills him) Speaking of Mer, The Big Bang Theory DVD I would really like more time to The original three trainees. Third episode of music: Many people do not, as in this case, but it was easily the best season, he was powerful and sad I cried when I sang Chasing Cars and Callie Bailey’s hand. The L Word DVD The music fits perfectly and sometimes does not feel like a musical that was good. Until this episode, I had no idea of his talent to the cast was, I think this EP was the best, but everyone does their opinoin own right. Many people think that Grey is the first, but for my part, Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD I think it is still at the top and nice, I can not wait for season eight, but I hope that Grey does not exceed a ninth season because at that time, can age.
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