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some not quite Coolte11
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some not quite Coolte11
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 some not quite

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some not quite _
PostSubyek: some not quite   some not quite Icon_minitimeWed 4 May 2011 - 8:30

some not quite

and some not quite denuded of ligaments; a circumstance showing how ancient in Southern Italy has been the practice of nakedly interring the poor in this barbarous manner,one still in use at Naples. As interesting to science, Mr. Mallet mentions that many of MBT Sale the bones and skulls had been thrown from the mass along with the debris of the wall; upon the precipitous limestone slope, where they rested, some calcareous springs oozed out, and their deposited tufa was visible ; remarking at the same time that it is not improbable that human bones may become incased in tufa, and the latter may hereafter form at this spot a coarse conglomerate, with the fallen masonry and imbedded bones.Diano is described by Mr. Mallet as having suffered comparatively lime ov me sdock ; mere perns oniv some nssurinsr. ana a lew oi me old illbuilt, miserable class of houses having been thrown down. This comparative immunity from destruction Mr. Mallet explains as arising from the circumstance that the direction of the wavepath was MBT Trainers here nearly due north to south. It therefore passed from the deep clays of the piano into the long «im viva ai meunction, ana a son larsrer Dortion in passing through the great number of nearly vertical beds of limestone. m a direction perpendicular almost to their planes:like a bullet MBT shot leaves oi a tmcK dook.Again; the shock transmitted southwards through the lengthway of the great flanking chain to the westward, was almost completely cut off from reaching Diano at all. by the Yallone del Raccio to the north and northwest of the town; upon the southwest side of MBT Shoes Sale which, on the steep slope of Monte Mattola, the effects of the partial extinction of the wave at its surface as a " free or outlying stratum " were visible in considerable falls of projected rock loose masses chiefly. Nothing of the wave passing along the flanking range reached the town, therefore but secondary waves of refraction and dispersion; coming up from beneath the town, as the ; e oi tne unextinguisnea original wave passed southwards.Few better examples than the MBT Shoes case of Diano may be found of the important effects of local condition in modifying the effects of shock, or of the care necessary to observe and disentangle the phenomena.
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