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 Birkenstock Sandals orcs

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Birkenstock Sandals orcs  _
PostSubyek: Birkenstock Sandals orcs    Birkenstock Sandals orcs  Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011 - 15:01

Birkenstock Sandals orcs
he will Birkenstock Shoes also be very mild and robbers sincerely shake hands: "Brother, how like today's harvest , want to point my sponsor. "So for a second before their computers watching the network is still novel in one second after crossing into another world, Joan is not the slightest surprise. Since crossed, we should first determine what the situation. Is divided into many types of crossing, and more advanced, even the body with the soul of a cross, the ancient equivalent to or more than the world had a different unidentified foreign population; a low-level, wearing the soul do not wear the body, called possession, is equal to is a different world, ancient or a hapless reborn to turn over the; there are even more lower-body wearing not the past, although the soul has passed through, not helpless to snatch the body of the original indigenous peoples, can only be reborn from the baby to start. Joan is very unfortunate, first of all about the body was not strong enough to withstand not live in time and space through time, was destroyed; followed about the soul too is not strong enough, and took care can not be successful, can only be arranged through the last one kind of way. Is reincarnation, starting from infancy. Then seven years. The benefits of baby's own baby, the biggest advantage is that we can gradually adapt to the new environment will not acclimatized. And do not cook food to mouth, arms around someone to sleep walk was held, only Zhang hungry mouth. Daily life is to eat a Shuishui eating, compared to seven in the morning to get up before 9 o'clock to go to work that day eight-hour work day just busted their ass Zhengdian meager wages, Joan only that they are now living is not human - but heaven. However, the total is also the president of a large baby. Seven years, Joan, and not wasted. He listened intently to hear all possible information, to learn the knowledge about the world, he learned quickly. Clearly, this is a fantasy world. God only, there are elves, dragons, magic and wizards there - in front of a few still could not quite sure, because no eyes to see, but the last thing is certain. Home is open for Joan magic material stores. Today Joan and her sister Alexandra Kerry one day out of the city isTheir customers, is the ghost town of wizards. Joan is not a person willing to ordinary life. Now that this fantasy world to come through, it will always get ahead, do the really inherited his father's, his home life as a small businessman it, that's too useless a. Previous life he had seen a lot of network novels, the nature of this fantasy is no stranger to the world. A dragon with magic, of course, there are wizard world of beauty, always pleasant. Joan dreamed of himself and the purity of the world can become a hero, is a large group of natural beauty around them. This is a good dream. But Joan gradually discovered that the dream seems to be broken.He tried to read the network recalls previous novels, never before found their situation worse. To want to get ahead of the hero, you have to have a strong force. Fantasy world, although not fully implemented law of the jungle, but the weak will never be a hero. In Joan's memory, there is no a fantasy novel, physically very weak guy fantasy world can become a hero. Can be a hero, always the guy that powerful, or great sorcerer, or a great swordsmen, and even what God is like the voters. So he needs to be strong. But this is difficult. Strong is not good when the. Has been a shop selling things is not up strong in any case, have to learn, get training, Birkenstocks get adventurous, get elected career. Seven years of careful observation, listening, analysis, Joan has been living in a world of their own with a lot of understanding, a lot of this world adventure career, soldiers, shamans, holy warriors, priests, druids, bards, etc. and so on and so on, it sounds like you love out of town, all the office you select is absolutely not the case. All because he is now living in soul city. "Damn ghost town." Joan in bed frowning. Ghost town is a very strange city, first it is a floating ghost town - can fly in the air; second it is a militarization of the management of the city, a very strict level of rank; Finally, by far the most important point: it is not the physical world, it is quiet film industry. The physical world, or the main substance-bit face, also known as a mortal, human, elves, dwarves, Birkenstock Sandals orcs, etc. Birkenstock live. Birkenstock
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