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Birkenstocks few times Coolte11
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Birkenstocks few times Coolte11
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 Birkenstocks few times

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Birkenstocks few times _
PostSubyek: Birkenstocks few times   Birkenstocks few times Icon_minitimeThu 24 Mar 2011 - 14:58

Birkenstocks few times
Chiu vast room only two people fly and Lu Han, Han dew point a bunch of old songs, and seize the microphone, each through a song to drink a glass of wine. QIU Fei a person drinking beer, listening to these songs, even being touched. "The price of love" remember childhood dreams of you is like a flower never zero wind and rain to accompany me to see through it to see things change the vicissitudes that the price paid for love is to never forget all the sincere ah silly words in my heart although he has not go go people always have to learn their life growing up go go go go bound to experience pain struggle to find their own heart had a home in tears and had to have heart This is the price of love broken Maybe I occasionally will think he occasionally inevitable misses him when he is old ah makes me feel bad just let me worry about my heart no longer has spark to all the wind go past all the truly The infatuation of the words in my heart although he has not revealed over and over South Korea, took the wine flight touched Birkenstock Sandals with the Church, a dry, point of a cigarette, said: "This song is for you the following points," Our Time story "." Qiu Fei took the microphone and sang a few words, a bit sad, to restore the original music. Luo hoarse voice in the vicissitudes of China, South Korea exposed sleep, Qiu fly off your clothes, covered her, and then out of the private rooms. Luo behind the songs are still floating around:Spring bloom and the winter winds of autumn leaves melancholy was young I had ignorantly thought his time away from the Four Seasons song I sing softly windmill at Birkenstock the Four Seasons every day reincarnation of the songs to transfer its romantic poem inside I water it every year to grow away * Our Time has changed one person waiting in the sentimental and the first photos of the youth yellow letters and faded old Christmas cards to write songs for you young man I am afraid you have already forgotten it past the oath as colorful bookmarks that textbooks portray the many beautiful poems, but after all, Yi Zhenyan water it away * time to change the story of two people on the first tears in the sentimental and the youth a long way to yesterday's dream and distant laughter after we meet again in the number of distance is no longer the old familiar, I have a dream of the old fanatic was not the old familiar smile you water it has still taken away by the story of time to change * we will first recall in the sentimental and the way the youth to leave KTV, Qiu Fei was thinking, what is life. He is the only figured out, life is life and life to live. Chiu Fei Zhou Zhou unconsciously went downstairs, looked up window, black with light. Qiu fly away cell Take a cab. Music station broadcasting the car stood, Shuimunianhua voice echoed in the car: Do not cry tonight I am the person I love, such as Birkenstock Shoes night-blooming cereus bloom the most beautiful moment in the litter of your tears have not save the bear to wilt do not cry I love people know that I will no longer wake up in the best of the night sky blinking my eye is the brightest star I proudly remember that I been to this world Do not tell me what I am eternity is the most brilliant moments in the destruction of the night Beijing, lights flashing, Qiu fly in the car, looking out across the landscape in front of 11, think of youth in joy after the sorrow of those left behind, think weeks, the green boat to accompany him through the years, thinking of his young frivolous, think of the ignorance and absurdity have to think about their volunteer work ... ... I kept thinking, have burst into tears.In his blank eyes of the guards, the Joan and sister Alexandra Kerry into the soul city. Shadow industry is not the sun and moon, nor stars, the sky is always overcast one. Soul above the city, with Magic to create a huge spherical light source is gradually becoming dim continue to remind residents of the evening has come. "Today, a good harvest," Alexandra Kerry is happy and on Joan said, "You have good eyes, actually see a piece of shadow ring snake." "Ah." Joan answered casually, some tired look. His shoulder carrying a gray cloth bag, stuffed inside, I do not know what is installed. "Hungry," Alexandra Kerry said, "soon to go home, my mother must have made some dinner waiting for us." Qiongenmomo nod, with the sister behind, speed up the pace. They pass through the market, into the alley, and then straight ahead. Dumb old man next door in passing the door, the piece of dog hair bald rhubarb drilled out from the yard of Joan and Alexandra Kerry bark a Birkenstocks few times.
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