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the following _
PostSubyek: the following   the following Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar 2011 - 16:27

the followingMr. Glick. from Committee on Judiciary, made the following report:Mr. Speakerthe Committee on Judiciary beg leave to report that tfiey have considered House bill No. , relative to marriage of colored persons, and herewith present a substitute for said bill, and recommend the passage of the substitute.Mr. Martindale, from Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, made the following report:Mr. SpeakerYour Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, to whom House bill No. was referred, have had the same under consideration, and a Beats By Dr Dre majority of the committee beg leave to report the same back, and recommend its passage, with the following amendment: Strike out " one hundred' and insert" fifty," and after the words " drive into," insert " or through."The following message was received from the Senate :Mr. SpeakerI am directed to notify the House of Representatives that the Senate has concurred in House amendments to enate concurrent resolution No. , inviting Prof. Swallow to lecture.A. R. BANKS, Secretary of Senate.The House proceeded to the consideration of messages from the Senate, andScvate bill No. , "An act Dr Dre Headphones to attend an act entitled 'An actproviding for the seleotion of grand and petit jurors approved February , ' was Read a first time.Senate Beats By Dre bill No. , "An act to provide for the compensation of pro tern. Judges of the District Court' was Read a first time.Senate bill No. , "An act for the sale of lands belonging to the State Agricultural College, and to defray the current expenses thereof," was Read a first time.Mr. Griswold introduced House concurrent resolution No. , in reference to the publication and distribution of the report of the State Superintendent. Read a first time, and Laid over under the rule.Mr. Phillips introduced House joint resolution No. , in reference to Union Pacific Railroad, Eastern Division. Read a first time. On motion of Mr. Sanford,The communication rom the Governor in reference to State library, wasReferred to Committee on State Library. fMr. Kellogg offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Speaker be and is hereby authorized to appoint an Assistant Docket Clerk.Mr. Glick moved that the resolution be indefinitely postponed, Which motion prevailed, And the resolution was indefinitely postponed.

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