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Mr. Lacock Coolte11
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Mr. Lacock Coolte11
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 Mr. Lacock

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Join date : 15.03.11

Mr. Lacock _
PostSubyek: Mr. Lacock   Mr. Lacock Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar 2011 - 16:26

Mr. Lacock

Mr. Lacock, front Committee on Apportionment, made theVot lowing report: Mr. sreakerYour committee, to whom was referred House bill No. , "An act amending an act entitled 'An act to district and apportion the State for senators and representatives,'" would respectfully ask the House for further time to report on saicl"bill. And, on motion, further time in which to report was granted., Mr. San ford, from Committee on State Library, made the following report:Mr. SpeakerYour Committee on Public Library, to whom 'was referred the communication of the Secretary of State, with the proposition of Samuel C. Jackson, acting librarian for the State of Massachusetts, proposing to sell to the State of Kansas duplicate jjseries of United States papers and documents, together with laws of other States, and having given the same careful consideration, beg leave to report the Beats By Dr Dre same back with the recommendation of the adoption of the accompanying joint resolution relating thereto. Respectfully submitted,And thereupon said joint resolution, being House joint resolution No. , Making appropriation for State library and authorizing Secretary of State to purchase books' wasRead a first time.Mr. Harvey, from Committee n Public Institutions, made the following reports:Mr. SpeakerYour committee, to whom was referred House bill No. , "An act to aid the State Normal School," have had the same under consideration, and a majority direct me to report the same back and recommend its passage.Mr. SpeakerYour committee, to whom was referred House bill No. , "An act to appropriate money to the State Insane Asylum, located at Osawatomie, Miami oounty, Kansas," have had the same under consideration, and a majority direct me to report the bill back with the recommendation that it be passed with the following amendment to section : Strike out the words "State Treasurer is hereby authorised to pay over to the," and insert " State Auditor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of the." ,Respectfully submitted, Mr. Harrington, from Committee on Militia, made the following report:Mr. SpeakerYour Committee on Militia, to whom Dr Dre Headphones was re ferred House joint resolution No. , concerning soldiers dishonorably discharged from Kansas regiments, beg leave to report that they have had Beats By Dre the same under consideration, and report the same tack without recommendation.
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