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The House Coolte11
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 The House

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Join date : 15.03.11

The House _
PostSubyek: The House   The House Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar 2011 - 16:25

The House

The House met pursuant to Beats By Dr Dre adjournment.' The Speaker in the chair.The following members were present and answered to their names:Messrs. Allen, x\rthur, Bauserman, Bricer, Bond, Bonebrake, Cain, Carlton, Cavender, Craig, Cochrane, Coffin, Drake, Dow, Letcher, Foster, Fox Graham, Green, Glick, Griswold, Gross, Tflarmon, Harrington, ' karvey, Hollenbcrg, Holliday, Humber, Jackson, Jennison, Johnson, Kellogg, Kelley, Knight, Kohler, Kunkel, Lacock, Martindale, Massey, Mix, Montgomery, Moore, McAuley, McCabc, McLellan, Nash, O'Brien, Parker, Pearmain, Pcnnock, Preston, Phillips, Power,Quinn, Rankin, Reese,Rodgers, Roc, SanforJ, StaBter,' Shepherd, Stewart, Smith, th, Smith, Ith, Smith, th, Smiffi, d, Dr Dre Headphones Stotler, Underbill, VanGaasbeek, Walker, Wcllhouse, Wilson, Woodard and Mr.Speaker;Being a quorum of the'House y : Prayer by Rev. Mk tertVn.The Journal of yestoriAy'waA read'anil appfroted.vCapt. N. B. Blanton was invited to a seat within the bar of the Hoose.Mr. Glick, from Committee on Judiciary, made the following reports:Mb. SpeakerTour committee, to whom was referred House bill No. , entitled "An act to authorize school district No. , in Allen county, to issue bonds to build a school house," have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to recommend itp passage.Mr. SpeakerYour committee, to whom was referred House bill No. , entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes,'" have had the same under consideration, and beg Beats By Dre leave to report the same back and recommend its rejection. The change of the law proposed to be made by this bill was made by section of the amended tax law, found on page , in volume of laws for Mr. SpeakerYour committee, to whom was referred House bill No. , entitled " An act exempting certain property fropi forced sale on execution or other process, and repealing former acts in relation thereto' have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report the same back and recommend its rejection.
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