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from the manuscript Coolte11
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from the manuscript Coolte11
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 from the manuscript

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from the manuscript _
PostSubyek: from the manuscript   from the manuscript Icon_minitimeMon 10 Jan 2011 - 14:11

from the manuscript[Here seeral leaes hae been torn from the manuscript, and though some fragments of paper remain they only contain a few broken sentences, of tory burch outlet which I can make nothing, excepting that they refer to the lapse of seeral weeks, till tory burch flats the narratie is continued thus.]
Rosie and I were practising together, tory burch shoes when this note arried. My mother presently brought it to us, and said, Here, my dear, is an initation for you and Rosie to join a pic-nic in Sir Eliot Mortons wood. They are to boil the kettle under the trees, and the Mortons, and the Blakes, and the Wilsons, are all to be there. Should you like to go
What time is it to be, mamma I inquired.
Not till fie oclock, she replied ; and the Mortons hope, if you come, you will bring some butter, some milk, and some fruit, and also music, for in the eening they mean to adjourn to the house.
Rosie said nothing, but looked as if she would like to go.
would send the eatables forward by the stable-boy, said mamma.
think we had better accept, then, I answered ; it is a splendid day, and Rosie would be sure to enjoy it
Yes, indeed, said Rosie, should like it of all things.
It was such a beautiful afternoon, that though tf.e place was three miles off, we decided to walk: for almost all the way was shaded by elm-trees, and for more than a mile we were to follow a footpath which led along by the side of a little glassy rier. Rosie was ready first, for just as we were about to set off, my father called me to write a note for him. We were ery early, and I thought it a pity that Rosie should be detained, so I asked her to go forward and tory burch sale arait for me at a cer&in stile, under an ash-tree, a ery little way from the gate into my fathers grounds.
When the note was written I followed, and I well remember my sensations as I stepped out into the delicious air and sunshine. I wandered on, and my thoughts naturally recurred to the eents of the past

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