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Young people Coolte11
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 Young people

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Join date : 10.01.11

Young people _
PostSubyek: Young people   Young people Icon_minitimeMon 10 Jan 2011 - 14:10

Young people

Young people, he obsered, always want companions, and it is natural and proper that they should tory burch flats hae them, as I said to mamma. So, my dear child, I hae written to your uncle, told him how the case stands, and asked him to spare your Cousin Rosie to come and spend a few weeks with you, for as you hae met already she will not feel like a stranger here ; I expect his reply to-morrow.
Thank you, papa, said I; but oh, what a pang shot through my heart at the mention of this most mistaken kindness. I could not smile, I could hardly appear glad; now, I thought, my rest is oer, and I
tory burch outlet am again to come under the dominion of eny.
My father told me that he expected an answer the next day; till it came, I was in a feer of hope that the initation would be declined. But no, my father handed the note to me : Here, Millicent, he said, your uncle says they cannot
tory burch sale ery coneniently spare their dear child, she is so useful at home, but they feel that it will be such an adantage to her to hae your companionship, such an improement to her, that they mean to send her. In fact, Millicent, Rosie has described you in such glowing terms at home, as so
ladylike, so cleer, so well-informed, so charming,that they feel they ought not to deprie her of the benefit of your society.
My father laughed, but was eidently pleased; and I could not help blushing, for I felt that I had taken ery little pains to describe Rosie, with her sweetness, simplicity, and gentleness, in my home circle. These words in the letter were a reproof to me, also as reminding me of what I had obsered at my aunts, namely, that Rosie had formed a ery strong attachment and liking for me. I knew she admired me, and
tory burch shoes she had once or twice expressed a kind of half romantic, half childish fondness for dressing me, and adorning my hair.
She once said, She was glad she was my cousin. I tell this to show how unenious she was.
Why are you glad, Rosie I had inquired.
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