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PostSubyek: Moncler Vest    Moncler Vest  Icon_minitimeTue 4 Jan 2011 - 15:03

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On dissection, a quantity of limpid serosity was found in the sac, and in the ventricles of the brain. The spinous processes of the last lumbar and of the first sacral vertebrae Moncler Jackets Outlet were awantr ing; there was no spinal canal,nor yetany spinal foramina in the sacrum, Moncler Outlet
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Moncler Popstarand the cauda equina hung out of the sac, and lost Moncler Vest itself in its thick loose and white walls.Hannoversche Annalen.Remarks.Our object, in reporting the preceding case, is chiefly for the purpose of directing our readers attention to the nature of the congenital malformation Moncler Kids known by the name of Moncler Sale Spina Moncler Jackets bifida, and Moncler Online to the proper treatment of it. There is nothing unusual or extraordinary in the case we have extracted from the German periodical; Moncler Coats nor would it have merited notice, except in so far as it affords us an opportunity of Moncler Branson pointing out the extreme impropriety of the treatment which was pursued.The medical man appears to have acted, as if he had a simple encysted watery tumor to deal with; and he Discount Moncler therefore very probably imagined that the mere evacuation of the serosity could not possibly do any harm. Very different is the nature of Spina bifida. It is one of the most serious congenital anomalies or malformations, which can happen to a child. There is an actual defect of the spinous processes and Moncler Outlet posterior part of the spinal arch of one or of more vertebrae. The spinal marrow is thus exposed,and generally protrudes through the fissure, in consequence of its sheath being distended with serosity. Moncler Popstar The mere discharge of this serosity may diminish indeed the size of the swelling; but this is, as it were, the mere outwork of the disease. The 4 fons et origo' of Moncler Men's Jackets the mischief is the defect in the formation of the vertebrae.These bones have beenin consequence of some cause or another, the nature of which we do not at all understandarrested in their progress to mature development, and have not closed or coalesced in their posterior part, thus leaving the spinal cord ex posed. We have already alluded tothan those of perfectlyformed infants,this subject in the article on philoso.
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