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PostSubyek: Moncler Jackets   Moncler Jackets Icon_minitimeTue 4 Jan 2011 - 14:56

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During the attack, 82 grains of calomel? and two drachms and a Moncler Jackets half of ipe cacuan, and nearly half a drachm of tartar emetic had been administered.Dr. Caspar was summoned to visit a young child 3t years of age, suffering from a severe attack of croup.Moncler Outlet
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Moncler Popstar Four leeches were immediately applied to the throat; and one grain of calomel, and a dose of antimonial mixture were ordered to be given every two hours. Next day, the Moncler Popstar disease was worse ; the cough being more severe, the dyspnoea more alarming, and the peculiar crowing sound more shrill and loud. The calomel was ordered to be given as before, and the dose of the antimonial tartrate to be increased. Mercurial ointment mixed with camphor and opium Moncler Kids was smeared all round the throat and neck.On the 3rd day (23rd of Nov.) the symptoms, although still very alarming, were somewhat mitigated. The hydrocyanic acid Moncler Branson was given repeatedly in small doses three leeches were applied to the sternum ; Moncler Coats and the calomel. was exhibited at longer intervals.On Discount Moncler the 26th, the skin of the face and breast was covered with a measly rash. The eruption spread over the whole body, and the tracheal symptoms threatened to return in all their former severity. Fortunately the little patient got through the attack well, and gradually recovered his health and strength. The aphonia however continued for a long time, and appeared at length to Moncler Vest yield to the use of a third part of a drop of cajeput oil given with sugar, night and morning, for some time.The author has recorded a third case, treated in a similar manner, and with equal success. He alludes to the very Moncler Online large doses of emetic medicines which roust be exhibited in this formi: dable disease, for the purpose of exciting Moncler Sale vomiting. The first case Moncler Jackets Outlet affords a forcible illustration of this precept. Moncler Men's Jackets He has much reliance, he tells us, in the external application of the mercurial ointment, to which some opium and camphor, and sometimes also Moncler Outlet carbonate of ammonia, are added, as a means of subduing inflammation. He has recourse to it, with much advantage, in cynanche tonsillaris, and in many other forms of inflammatory action.
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